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Are you looking for a speaker for your next event?

Julia is a sought-after speaker, trainer and coach.

She speaks on effective communication skills, virtual speaking techniques and finding your voice for entrepreneurs and professionals.


Talk Topics Include:

How can you stand out as a leader in our new virtual world? 

All meetings and speaking opportunities have suddenly become video calls. Speaking with confidence is challenging enough, but being on camera creates unique challenges.

Even though we’re all in our yoga pants and slippers, speaking is still the #1 way to build your credibility, generate clients and make an impact quickly.

Perhaps you end up in overwhelm about technology and self-conscious about how you look. It’s easy to get up in our heads especially when you hit “record”.

How can you engage and lead through this virtual format? 

Learn concrete tools to transform your virtual speaking right away. You’ll learn…

  • How To Be Seen As An Authority When You Speak Online
  • How To Engage Your Audience So That You Are More Interesting Than Checking Facebook!
  • How To Boost Retention Of Information And Increase Your Impact
  • How To Use Your Voice and Body To Project Confidence on Camera
  • How to Effectively Manage Virtual Meetings And Workshops

It’s a new world in terms of speaking (at least for awhile). Do you have the skills and training to stand out?

Say “Goodbye” to Performance Anxiety!

Learn step-by-step how to transform your mindset and nervous system so that you can be confident, authentic and fully expressed in the spotlight.

Being a confident communicator is not just the way you act, talk, and look. It’s a habitual way of thinking and reacting to various life situations.

You’ll learn how to become an engaging and influential leader and learn the communication tools you need to effectively share your ideas. You’ll learn how to break down the barriers, misconceptions, and fears that prevent people from being fully heard.

We will develop your ability to make small changes to your words, tone, and non-verbal communication to improve how you interact in high-stakes personal and professional communications.

This talk will help you develop the ability to:

  • Manage your nervous system when anxiety, fear and self-consciousness take over
  • Systematically develop rock-solid confidence you can rely on
  • Navigate the virtual speaking world and come across as a credible expert
  • Effectively communicate verbally and non-verbally for influence
  • Uncover what’s holding you back from being fully expressed

Even though everything has gone virtual the world still needs your presence and message. Open up to more visibility, confidence and comfort in your skin on camera and in life!

We were so lucky to have Julia lead our group – her talk was a great mix of valuable information, exercises to deepen the learning, and the opportunity to practice speaking in front of the group. She gave insightful and encouraging feedback. The response has been tremendous – learning how to better connect with your audience in any context is such an important skill. I couldn’t recommend Julia highly enough!